

It was late one Monday night and I had had a long day. With a beautiful glass of wine in my hand I sat and watched my cat Callisto playfully playing with what I thought was the pattern on the rug.He pawed at it, ears pointed forward, and intently looked at the little pink and brown flowers that made up the design. On closer inspection I realized that it was not the embroidered vegetation he was pawing at but a little wormlike creature. I thought for a moment, ” hmmm perhaps this is a hapless caterpillar that needs saving!” So, I grabbed a piece of paper and a cup and went about capturing the insect to take safely outside. When I got closer, it looked like the creepiest creepshow of a thing, orange tan colored with hairy legs and many segments. It somewhat resembled a tiny wormy shrimp. I was alarmed and decided to let nature take it’s course. After all why interfere int the natural order of things. Callisto eventually ate it up but made these horrible gagging sounds and continued for upwards of ten minutes moving his tongue in a most unusual way, I was horrified and disgusted. I could practically feel the thing going down his throat. …



This , I feel, is a perfect, if not unsavory example of mirror neurons. When we see someone experiencing things our mirror neurons pick it up as if we ourselves were experiencing it.
